Madison Jewish Center Has been lovingly caring for Scroll MST#1090 from Pisek, a precious legacy of the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia who perished in the Shoah.

Our Pisek Torah was brought to Madison Jewish Center through the initiatives of MJC President Howard Madans. Transfer of the Torah from the brutal, defeated Nazi regime in Czechoslovakia, to its new home here at Madison was undertaken by Elayne and Burt Schildkraut, who flew to England to bring the Torah back for the congregation.
On Sunday, October 7, 1990 Madison Jewish Center was host to a most memorable event. The ceremonies began with a parade through the neighborhood with the emancipated Torah in the forefront. Services in our sanctuary were led by Rabbi Winograd and Cantor Rimer. Speeches by elected officials, a Catholic Monsignor, and a Methodist Priest concluded a most ecumenical service.

The Pisek Torah is MJC’s constant memorial to those lost during the holocaust.